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Oxygen Index Apparatus

ZONSKY High-Temperature Digital Display Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) Test Apparatus is a specialized device designed to measure the limiting oxygen index (LOI) of materials at elevated temperatures. The LOI test determines the minimum oxygen concentration required to sustain combustion for a specific material. This apparatus enables testing under high-temperature conditions, simulating extreme environments and providing a comprehensive understanding of a material’s fire resistance and flammability characteristics.Talk To Our Team


    • ISO 4589-3:2017 Plastics – Determination of burning behavior by oxygen index Part 3: Elevated-temperature Test

Main Parameters

Parameter Specification
Test Temperature Adjustable from room temperature to 150°C
Temperature Deviation ±1°C
Oxygen Concentration (Oxygen Index) Direct digital display reading, resolution: 0.1%
Air Supply Pipeline Flow meter, pressure gauge, and needle valve
Measuring Range 0-100% O₂, resolution: 0.1% vol/1L/min
Measurement Accuracy Class 2.5
Combustion Cylinder Quartz glass, inner diameter: 75mm, height: 450mm
Gas Flow Rate (Top of Cylinder) 90mm ±10mm/s
Gas Flow Rate (Inside Cylinder) 40mm ±2mm/s
Input Pressure Adjustable from 0.25 to 0.5 MPa
Flow Meter One for oxygen and one for nitrogen, range: 1-10L/min, resolution: 0.1L/min
Gas Inlet System Includes pressure regulator valve, flow regulating valve, and mixing chamber
Ignition System Dedicated propane hand-held electronic igniter, copper tube diameter: 2.0mm, flame spray: 16mm ±1mm downward
Specimen Clamps One set for hard self-supporting materials and one for soft materials
Heating System Nickel-chromium alloy rapid heating wire, wound on a glass tube for uniform temperature distribution
Temperature Measurement Mineral-insulated heater thermocouple, accuracy: ±1.5mm
Gas Source Oxygen and nitrogen with purity above 98% (provided by the buyer)
Power Requirements AC 220V ±10%, 50Hz
Dimensions L530 × W350 × H605 mm
The Oxygen Index Apparatus measures the minimum oxygen concentration required for material combustion,Compliance: ISO4589-3:2017

Oxygen Index Apparatus

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