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Fire Retardant Paint Testing Equipment (Large Plate Method)

ZONSK Fire Retardant Paint Test Apparatus (Large Plate Method) is a testing device used to evaluate the fire-resistant properties of fire-retardant paints on larger surfaces. In this method, a paint-coated large plate or panel is exposed to a controlled flame or heat source, allowing for the assessment of the paint’s performance in slowing ignition, limiting flame spread, and reducing heat release over an extended area.Talk To Our Team


    • ISO 11925-2 / EN 13501-1 / ASTM E84 / JIS A 1321

Fire Resistance Paint Test Apparatus Main Parameters:

Parameter Value
Test station 1 station
Temperature uniformity ±2.5°C
Sample size L900 × W900, thickness 5mm, +0.2mm first-level five-layer plywood, the surface is flat and smooth.
Sample clamp The sample clamp can be tilted 45° ±2°
Temperature control system PLC + NA view + frequency conversion control, touch screen display.
Thermocouple Outer diameter not more than 3mm; wire diameter 0.5mm, accuracy not less than level II, range 1300°C.
Timer error Not more than 1s/h.
Automatic alarm Five-way thermocouple temperature measurement on the back-fire surface of the sample, automatic alarm when the temperature reaches 220°C.
Automatic control time-temperature Time-temperature rise curve and record.
Automatic alarm (back-fire temperature) When the back-fire temperature reaches 220°C.
Gas source Liquefied petroleum gas.

ZONSKY manufactures Fire Retardant Paint Testing Equipment and other fire testing equipment and owns all copyrights of the products

The Fire Retardant Paint Testing Equipment assesses the fire resistance of coatings, Compliance:ISO 11925-2 / EN 13501-1 / ASTM E84 / JIS A 1321

Fire Retardant Paint Testing Equipment (Large Plate Method)

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