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Single Burning ltem(SBI)
Single Burning ltem(SBI)Test Apparatus ZONSKY Single Burning ltem assesses the fire performance of building materials by measuring flame spread, heat release, smoke production, and burning behavior. […]
ZONSKYSingle Burning ltem assesses the fire performance of building materials by measuring flame spread, heat release, smoke production, and burning behavior. It helps evaluate materials’ com*pliance with fire safety standards and enhances fire resistance.Talk To Our Team
Comply with Standards:
Comply with EN 13823:2002 Reaction to fire of building products (Test method for individual construction of building products excluding flooring materials).
Comply with EN 13823:2010 Fire reaction of building products. Single combustion test method for building products excluding flooring materials.
Main Features:
Maintenance is convenient and fast. The replacement of spare parts in the later period is at least 50%–70% lower than that of FTT, so there will be no trouble in maintenance. The instrument has a long service life and low operating costs.
Using high-precision calibration, the heat release (HRR) value per kg is 4450kJ/M2 (BMK222), the heat rate distribution factor K is very stable after repeated measurements. The instrument has good accuracy, high precision, stability, and reliability.
Equipped with corresponding auxiliary equipment and consumables to ensure the normal operation of the instrument.
Provides product printing color samples and detailed equipment instructions.
SBI Test Apparatus Main Technical Parameters:
Instrument Composition
Including combustion chamber, test equipment (furnace, flue), heat flame, burner, gas collecting hood, collector and ducts, & smoke exhaust pipe. Includes gas collection system, comprehensive measurement system (volume, data collection and analysis). Power supply device (Note: new overall equipment placement space is 6 m high or 7m long & 6m wide including the control room space).
Combustion Chamber: Dimensions
Length (3.0±0.05) m x Width (0.9±0.05) m x Height (2.40±0.1) m. The combustion chamber is built with brick walls.
Air flow direction and smoke exhaust
The apparatus includes both an air collecting hood and smoke exhaust that connect directly to the sampling pipe at the top of the room. During the test, the total volume of the chamber and the combustion products must be diluted from the smoke exhaust pipe.
Calibration and testing areas
Calibration space is in the top of the combustion chamber to facilitate cleaning and removal of residues in the room.
ZONSKY manufactures Single Burning ltem and other fire testing equipment and owns all copyrights of the products.more information, please contact us