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Rigid Foam Combustion Tester

flammability characteristics of rigid foam plastic materials. This apparatus exposes foam samples to controlled flames or heat sources to assess ignition ease, flame spread, and heat release intensity.


    • ASTM D3014-04a / ISO 3582 / UL94 HBF, HF-1, HF-2

Rigid Foam Fire Testing Equipment Performance Parameters

Parameter Specification
Instrument Composition Includes a fume hood, chimney, sample holder, and control panel.
Test Chamber Dimensions 0.15m³ (L730mm × W280mm × H750mm).
Chimney Length: 64mm, Width: 57mm, Height: 305mm. Made of stainless steel with an aluminum foil lining (0.025mm thick).
Specimen Holder Length: 191mm, Width: 13mm. Made of stainless steel, equipped with hooks on the back.
Burner Type Standard gas burner.
Burner Specifications Inner diameter: (9.5±0.5) mm, Barrel length: 115mm.
Burning Angle 15° to the vertical direction.
Flame Height Blue flame with an adjustable height of (25–35) mm.
Gas Type Propane or natural gas with a purity of over 95%.
Temperature Measurement The inner flame temperature, measured by a K-type thermocouple, is (960±25)°C.
Gas Flow Rate Adjustable from 0–1.1L/min.
Timer 0–99.99s, adjustable with an accuracy of ±0.1s.
Minimum Sample Thickness 1.0mm.
Standard Sample Size Length: (254±1) mm, Width & Thickness: (19±1) mm.
Apparatus Dimensions L710mm × W500mm × H1430mm.
Power Supply AC220V, 50Hz, Total power: 500W.


ZONSKY manufactures Rigid Foam Fire Testing Equipment and other fire testing equipment and owns all copyrights of the products.The Rigid Foam Combustion Tester evaluates the combustion characteristics of rigid foam materials, assessing fire resistance for research, quality control, and safety.

The Rigid Foam Combustion Tester evaluates the flammability and burning behavior of rigid foam materials Compliance: ASTM D3014-04a/ UL94 HBF, HF-1, HF-2

Rigid Foam Combustion Tester

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